6 Things You Must Know Before Buying a Spinal Decompression Table
Have the following ever crossed your mind?
• I have thought about adding a spinal decompression table to my practice but isn't spinal decompression dead?
• I was thinking about adding spinal decompression to my practice but don't you have to have a Masters degree in marketing to make it work?
• I have always wanted to add spinal decompression to my practice but I just don't know which table to buy.
Here are just a few things that will be discussed in this seminar:
The Worst Advice We've Ever Heard About Adding a Spinal Decompression Table to Your Clinic
3 Signs Your Clinic is Ready for a Spinal Decompression Table
2 Easy Ways to Sink a Decompression Practice
5 Mistakes Most Doctors Make When Choosing a Decompression Table
About the Speaker, Dr. Brian Self, D.C.
Brian currently owns three highly successful spinal decompression clinics in Arizona West Virginia and Saudi Arabia, specializing in spinal decompression and cold laser techniques. He has consulted with over 50 clinics worldwide, and has performed more than 10,000 spinal decompression treatments.
Based in Phoenix, Arizona, Decompression Pros is a spinal decompression consultancy with a mission to help medical doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors build and strengthen their spinal decompression services—treating more patients, achieving better patient outcomes and earning more profits.
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